Neil Canning

Neil canning is a contemporary British artist whose work appears in private, public and important corporate collections throughout the world.

From his early beginnings in Oxfordshire to rural Wales and Cornwall, landscape has always been a major source of inspiration. Since 1997 it is Cornwall that he now calls home. The coast and moors of this beautiful and dramatic peninsular have helped to give his work a sense of space and drama. During this time he has been closely associated with the new generation of St Ives artists and in 1997 was included in the exhibition Art Now Cornwall at Tate St Ives.


In 2007 he moved out of St Ives to a small village near Marazion where he created a large purpose built studio. This space has given him more opportunity to work on much larger canvases. Living slightly more inland away from the full force of the ocean has allowed his work to develop further. His colour palette has become wider, incorporating much softer greys and earth colours. 


Neil Canning had his first exhibition with us in July 2024. He will return in April 2026.


Collections include -
A.T & T; Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; Allen and Ovary; BAE Systems Plc; Bank of England; British Embassy, Venezuela; BTR; Canon Group; Cardiff Central Library; Chubb Insurance; Civil Aviation Authority; Credit Suisse; Eagle Star Group; Enskilda Banke, Sweden; Ernst and Young; Fairmont Group; Ford Motor Company Ltd; GFK Great Britain; H.M. Revenue & Customs; H J Heinz & Company Ltd; Hermes Pension Management Ltd; ICI; JP Morgan Investment Management Inc; John Lewis, Cardiff; Kingspark Developments; Kleinwort Benson Investment Management; Kuwait Investment Office; London Hospital Trust; London Insurance Market Investment Trust; MBNA International Bank Ltd; Mitsubishi Corp UK; Mondex UK Morrison Development Ltd; NatWest Bank; Nortel; Nuffield Fund, Paintings in Hospitals; O2; Oracle Corp; Private Patients Plan; Rolls-Royce; R.M.C.; Schroders; SmithKline Beecham; Standard Life; Taylor Woodrow; Ulster Museum; Unilever; United Universities Superannuation Schemes; United Utilities PLC; University of Wales; United Nations, New York; Worldtel; Private collections worldwide.