Chris Neale

Chris Neale's background and training as a graphic artist shows in the clarity and immediacy of his work.


His graphic style allows him to create landscapes which are full of warmth and stillness. His lines pull the viewer’s eye into the painting until the landscape envelops us; and the use of contrasting colours to create shade - the afternoon shadows creeping over the fields, and the light playing at the edges of the water is subtle and effective. 


But the apparent simplicity does not mean that there is a lack of detail or subtlety. His limited palette and selective eye is fully able to capture the changes of light and season, and the creep of shadow. The calm studied stillness of the work allows us to look, and to see and contemplate a landscape that can become over-familiar.


Chris Neale has been living and working in Pembrokeshire since 1997. He has had successful exhibitions with us in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 & 2023. Chris returned with a new body of work in December 2024.