James Guy Eccleston

James Guy Eccleston's work is always meticulously composed and beautifully painted, though here he is playing - tightening and loosening his brushstrokes over the painting, to lure and pull our attention. He focuses us in on particular details, giving the sitters a spark of life and drama.  James's choice of subject and approach allows us to both revel in his skill and to participate in his exploration of the meaning and value of painting itself.


James paints exactly what he sees.

"I am always trying to test my skills, to 'paint better' and record reality with sincerity. As I have progressed I have realised that an overall balanced composition is just as important as any technical flair. I have long been impressed by those great painters of the past who could seduce our eyes with a simple, uncluttered painting of something quite mundane and familiar."


Born in 1972. James trained at Bourneville College of Art and Wolverhampton  University. He then studied under R O Lenkiewicz for eight years. James's work is widely collected. He now lives and works in Denbighshire.


James Guy Eccleston has had successful exhibitions with us in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020. James will exhibit again in September 2023.